TCH S1 E2 The Progressive Playbook 101

Political correctness identity politics: Principles and guidelines, political correctness, identity politics, multiculturalism, concept creep, and hate speech. progressives need to deconstruct and destroy functioning governments to replace them with Marxism. Their wish list is to devour free societies, free markets, free speech, individual liberty, and limited government. They need to destroy the constitution, the electoral college and state elected senates. They need to pack the courts with activist judges, expand the bureaucratic 4th branch of government and create an Athenian democracy of a 51% popular vote that opposes our republic. They prefer everyone make $20K per year rather than the poor make $50K and the rich make $500K. Their noble end that justifies their means is radical equalitarianism. Socialism relies on malcontent and is an all-incumbent, preplanned society with finite economies and knowledge. It eventually becomes a police state controlled by an elite ruling class.   Today, the progressives claim that political correctness prevents offensive language toward race, gender, sexual orientation etc. Often the progressives perceive offensive language where none exists. The actual purpose of progressive political correctness is to censor, curtail freedom of speech, limit public debate and control thought processes (e.g., immigrant-invaders, illegal alien, anchor baby, lynching, Covington kids, Kavanaugh hearing, etc.)  Political correctness favors the progressive’s chances of acquiring complete political and behavioral control and demonstrates obedience to the policies and principles of the Progressive Party and to their party line.     Political correctness is embedded in all communist movements including the old Soviet Union. The Maoist Communist Party of China controlled speech and shamed one into submission or compliance by using what they called “struggled circles”. Progressive’s practice this today during their demonstrations, i.e., once their victim is targeted, they chant “shame on you” or “shame, shame, shame”. The Communist Chinese also participated in self-deprecation; a ritual called Maoist auto critique. This is likened to today’s white males considered by the progressives to be oppressors even though they are in their own country. White people must drink the progressive guilt Kool-Aid, degrade, and flagellate themselves with mantras such as ‘white privilege’. Strangely, this deconstruction of social order does not seem to be prevalent in the countries where the invaders come from. There is no claim of ‘brown privilege’ in Mexico, ‘black privilege’ in Ethiopia, ‘yellow privilege’ in China, etc.

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