
TCH S3 E4 Fascionomics

Biden’s poor economy is not Putin’s fault, it is the fault of Biden and the Progressives’ radical, socialist, fascist policies: their modern monetary theory, welfare state expansion, excessive government spending, war on fossil fuels, massive regulations, business tax, and money printing. It is caused by the Progressive’s war on free market capitalism and their attempt […]

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TCH S3 E2 Progressives Projecting Fascism Domestic

Progressives use fascism to instill fear, control and destroy our free society. Aristocracies must eliminate free thought, free markets, constitutional laws, institutions, and civil liberties. While claiming that they’re defenders of democracy, they fabricate climate change, pandemics, and social justice movements to destroy and control the economy, businesses, consumption, environments, speech, behavior, and law enforcement.

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TCH S3 E1 Progressive Projecting Fascism Corporate & Global

Biden, Morning Joe, and the Progressives claim the MAGA movement is fascist and the most extreme and dangerous political organization in America today. No, that would be the Biden administration and the Progressive Party. Wikidiff.com (autocracy vs fascism) defines autocracy as a form of government in which unlimited power held is held by a single

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TCH S2 E8 Illegal Immigration

Illegal Immigration undocumented progressive voters: Progressive ruling class policies and/or non-policies have caused the recent massive surge in U.S illegal border crossings. Progressives have obstructed and reversed every remedy to resolve the border crisis because changing our demographics is fundamental to their Marxist takeover of our country. Currently Biden, DHS Secretary Mayorkas, and the progressive

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