
TCH S2 E6 Covid

covid therapeutics vaccines corruption: Page 168 of the Reconciliation bill gives the federal government the power to bankrupt any company that refuses to comply with Biden’s vaccine mandate. It empowers OSHA to levy fines of $70,000 per employee and $700,000 for repeated violations and/or serious infractions. At best, these so-called vaccines are subpar to less

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TCH S2 E3 Home Act Joe Lied Suburbs Died

Surprise! Biden lied during the campaign when Trump exposed Biden’s plan to change zoning laws to build projects in the suburbs. Immediately following the election, Biden authorized the “Home Act” which federalized suburban zoning laws, eliminating restrictions on apartment buildings and lot sizes, and redrawing roads and highways that Progressives deemed racist. Biden’s equity “Home

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TCH S2 E2 Taxes Centralized Fed Control

Taxes Centralized Marxist redistribution: The over 40 corporate, domestic, and capital gains taxes included in the massive Build Back Better reconciliation bill will not pay for the Progressives’ more than $3.5 trillion social spending packages. The Tax Foundation estimates the $3.5 trillion spending bill will only generate about $1.06 trillion in revenue after the proposed

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The disastrous return of progressivism: Judicial Watch recently uncovered documents confirming that the progressive corporate media pressured the Capitol Police not to reveal that an aneurism was the real cause of Brian Sicknick’s death. They feared disclosing this information would constrain their ability to inflame public opinion and decrease Trump’s impeachment chances. The FBI also


TCH S1 E3 20th Century Progressive Founders

20th century Progressive Founders Cloward and Piven, Saul Alinsky, Herbert Marcuse (Repressive Tolerance), George Soros, The progressive dirty bomb coronavirus. In 1966, Cloward and Piven, Columbia University sociologists and political activists, devised a plan to overload the welfare system to collapse local governments and force a guaranteed annual income. They felt full enrollment of eligible

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TCH S1 E2 The Progressive Playbook 101

Political correctness identity politics: Principles and guidelines, political correctness, identity politics, multiculturalism, concept creep, and hate speech. progressives need to deconstruct and destroy functioning governments to replace them with Marxism. Their wish list is to devour free societies, free markets, free speech, individual liberty, and limited government. They need to destroy the constitution, the electoral

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