TCH S1 E6 Progressive Ruling Class Applications

Healthcare Open Borders Climate change: Universal healthcare is a progressive Cloward and Piven trifecta dream: it will guarantee that nobody will be insured, bankrupt the country and usher in Marxism. It is unsustainable, creates cost inefficiencies, skyrocketing prices and premiums, huge deductibles, rationing, waiting lines, age discrimination and a two-tier rich-vs-poor healthcare system.

Prior to Obamacare, in 2009-2013, Gallup showed that 84-87% of the people were happy with their coverage and care but felt it was a little expensive. Progressives justified the 1.4 trillion-dollar cost of Obamacare by telling us that 30 million people were uninsured. Around 12 million of those were illegal aliens and another 11 million were 18-28-year-olds who felt they did not need insurance and wanted to take their chances. According to the GAO those 30 million uninsured individuals could have been put on Medicaid for $30B, saving taxpayers over one trillion dollars annually. Now, after the Obamacare disaster, 30 million working people are not insured. Taxpayers are picking up the now skyrocketing premiums that used to be covered by the private sector. The deductibles average between $8,000-$11,000 and most people cannot afford to use their coverage. When the government became involved in healthcare, costs quadrupled. Similarly, when the government became involved in student loans, the cost of higher education quadrupled.

Two thirds of our population, 180MM, currently have private healthcare, and 121MM are under Medicare or Medicaid. Progressives now want to put everyone on Medicare, turning it into Medicaid, at a cost of $30 trillion over 10 years, effectively bankrupting our country. They also want taxpayers to pay the healthcare for the additional 200 million legal and illegal immigrants that they plan to invite into our country over the next 30 years. When progressives apply their redistribution ideologies on economies, the economies collapse. When that occurs, progressives project blame on capitalism, claiming the cure is more progressivism until we spiral down into resembling Venezuela. Just thirty years ago, extreme poverty worldwide was over 40%. Now, because of capitalism, it is down to 10%. It is bewildering why progressives reject liberty for Marxist tyranny.

Bill Clinton, State of the Union, 1995: “All Americans are rightly disturbed by the large number of illegal aliens entering our country. The jobs they hold might otherwise be held by citizens or legal immigrants. The public services they use impose burdens on our taxpayers.

Barack Obama on immigration, 2006: “When I see Mexican flags waving at pro-immigration demonstrations, I sometimes feel a flush of patriotic resentment. When I am forced to use a translator to communicate with the guy fixing my car, I feel a certain frustration.”

Progressive ruling class policies and/or non-policies have caused the recent massive increases in illegal U.S. border crossings. Progressives have obstructed every remedy offered to resolve this issue because changing our demographics is fundamental to their takeover of our country. For example, the “New Way Forward Act”, which so far has 44 democrat co-sponsors, would allow people who have committed serious felonies in other countries to move to the United States legally. It would require taxpayers to pay to transport deported criminals back into the United States upon their request. This bill would also make it nearly impossible for federal immigration officials to detain immigrants no matter how potentially dangerous they are.

Climate change is another hysteria the progressive ruling class has promulgated to maintain their control and moral superiority. Climate change gives them more control over people’s behavior than healthcare. Progressives certainly do not seem to be concerned about the damage that 250 million more legal and illegal immigrants will do to our environment. While the progressive elites are selling climate gloom and doom, they are flying around in private jets, living in 500,000 sq. foot houses, heating their pools, and driving Hummers.  They sensationalize fabricated information, then use their media friends to peddle their propaganda to increase taxes and pass laws that control and limit your freedom. Like their progressive counterparts in Europe, they want to deny you cheap energy, making it more expensive to heat your house, drive to work and purchase goods. High energy costs keep you poor and submissive, restricting your movement and freedom.

According to the EIA’s website, U.S. CO2 emissions generated from electricity in 2015 decreased to their lowest levels since 1993 thanks to our technological advances in fossil fuels. However, recent studies argue whether CO2 traps greenhouse gases that supposedly cause warming. Ed Berry, Ph.D., Physics, claims the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has grossly miscalculated human-added CO2. His new calculations show human CO2 does not cause climate change. In fact, his new evidence shows no amount of reduction of CO2 emissions will have any measurable effect on climate change. Nature controls the level of atmospheric CO2. Additionally, ice core data from Greenland reveals 8000 years of zero correlation between CO2 and temperature: CO2 does not drive temperatures. This new information makes fraudulent all claims, laws, actions, and treaties that seek to reduce CO2 emissions.

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