TCH S1 E5 Progressive Crimes Go Unpunished

The ultimate projection that Soros and the progressive ruling class tried to pull off was the Russia collusion hoax. Deceivingly, Hillary, the DNC, DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. paid the Russians to dig up dirt on Trump, planted the phony story to fix the 2016 election, then accused Trump of colluding with the Russians to fix the election.

The progressives have forgotten Saul Alinsky’s rule “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.” The progressive media coalition just keeps making up and spinning stories about Russian collusion even after thousands of emails produced from the accusers have proved and the creators of the dossier have admitted that they made it up to get Trump. The FBI and several liberal news organizations (e.g., Washington post, NPR, etc.) admitted they tried but could not verify the dossier. Those media outlets knowingly sat on this information for several months but did not make it public until Fox News pressured them on the air.

To advance the progressive ruling class agenda, the media makes up and then airs anti-Trump reports while withholding positive Trump reports. For example, when Donald Trump Jr. met with the Russian lawyer to gather dirt on Hillary, the media reported for days that he blocked a call to his father during that meeting. When proven untrue, there was no apology from the media: they just moved on to the next allegation. The networks dedicated 2,202 minutes to the Russian collusion hoax, but when the Senate’s collusion report came out exonerating the president, the networks dedicated 0 minutes to those findings. The media also gave 849 minutes to the Ukraine/impeachment story and only 9 minutes to the glowing Trump economy.

When the Mueller report came up empty with no indictments, Nancy Pelosi had a conference call with her department heads telling them that the investigation was not over. In fact, Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, Jerry Nadler, Chris Coons, and other representatives promised to broaden their investigations. MSNBC, CNN, and other networks are either still insinuating and/or hoping there’s evidence in Mueller’s report to convict Trump or they are distorting the report outright.

Now that the Russia collusion hoax is falling apart, Rep. Schiff needs to fabricate another story to build his new lies upon. Committing witness tampering, Rep Schiff and his staff met with Michael Cohen for over (10) hours prior to the house impeachment hearing. They coached Cohen into testifying that Trump inflated his assets to insurance companies and about Trump’s relationship with the National Enquirer. Even after Schiff’s corruption scheme has been exposed, he still used this fabricated coached testimony as probable cause to investigate other areas of Trump’s personal life. Schiff also had a secret meeting with Glen Simpson in Aspen, CO, while Simpson was a witness for the House Intelligence Committee. His staff also coached the Ukrainian leaker (aka whistle blower) whom Schiff later denied knowing. Only Republicans go to jail.

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